Meyer Boake, BES, BArch, MArch, LEED AP |
Helix Bridge, Singapore |
last updated
January 16, 2025 10:47 AM
Territorial Acknowledgement We acknowledge that the School of Architecture is located on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes 10 kilometres on each side of the Grand River. (see references here: https://uwaterloo.ca/engineering/about/territorial-acknowledgement) Course Description:This is a study of the more advanced aspects of building construction, dealing with the intrinsic connection between conceptual design and technological aspects of a building’s structural materiality: reinforced concrete, precast and prestressed concrete, steel framing systems; building envelope: building science, curtain walls, window walls, glazing and roofing systems; fire protective design and the evolution of an industrialized method of designing and assembling buildings. Students will The term’s
knowledge will focus on a major design project that requires the students
to design and detail a steel structure. This term’s project will
use the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction Competition, "ASCENT". link. Teaching Assistants:
Log-in to LEARN: here Link to University Outline: https://outline.uwaterloo.ca/view/nw8uhh Please note that the official Outline cannot change during the term. Uploads of the weekly presentations will happen on this page. There are more suggested readings here as well. |
Schedule of Classes: Tuesdays, 9:30 to 12:30, Main Lecture Hall, Cambridge Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:30 pm to 1:30pm and by email. tboake@uwaterloo.ca NOTE: USE OF LAPTOPS IS NOT PERMITTED IN THIS CLASS. PLEASE TAKE NOTES IN YOUR SKETCHBOOKS. |
DUE DATES FOR ASSIGNMENTS: Weekly notes are to be taken in class and graded as such. They must be uploaded to LEARN by 10 pm on the evening of the class day. Sketches will be due to be submitted to LEARN the following week by 9:00am, prior to the start of the Tuesday class. R-value assignment due as per schedule below, by 9am, to LEARN. Final Project will be done in groups of 2 students. Be thinking of a partner. Sign up for groups on LEARN is available now. This project is shared with Arch 113. |
1Jan 7 |
COURSE INTRODUCTION MODERN STEEL FRAMING SYSTEMS WORK FROM THIS LECTURE WILL FEED INTO PROJECT REQUIREMENTS FOR ARCH 113! Here are some of my websites to assist with steel connection design: Steel: Fun is in the Details Steel Image Gallery: AESS Facebook Page: SKETCH 1 (due by 9am before class next week) |
2Jan 14 |
MODERN REINFORCED CONCRETE: Timeline of Concrete Construction: link SKETCH 2 (due by 9am before class next week) I mentioned that I forgot to update the info with the new system called "Bubble Deck" - so take a look here. https://technologyinarchitecture.wordpress.com/2017/07/29/bubble-deck-concrete/ |
3Jan 21 |
SOLID WOOD Ontario Tall Wood Design Guide, CLT Primer More info on the Prince George Campus building in BC. case study Structural Insulated Panels connection details link SKETCH 3 (due by 9am before class next week) |
4Jan 28 |
5Feb 4 |
FIRE PROTECTIVE DESIGN: The Codes and Authorities Having Jurisdiction READ: Article on how to manage smoke in open atrium spaces, helpful for open concept buildings. SKETCH 5 (due by 9am before class next week) |
6Feb 11 |
BUILDING SCIENCE - Intro: SKETCH 6 (due by 9am before next class after reading week) |
8Feb 18 |
No class - Reading Week |
7Feb 25 |
HAND OUT: R-Value Assignment 5% link to detailed requirements for r-value assignment |
9Mar 4 |
ROOFING SYSTEMS: READ: http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/insights/bsi083-mea-culpa-roofs/ http://www.buildingscience.com/documents/digests/bsd-102-understanding-attic-ventilation |
10Mar 11 |
R-Value Assignment Due 5% |
12Mar 18 |
GLASS, GLAZING, WINDOWS AND CURTAIN WALL ADDITIONAL READING: Window selection tool (scroll to the bottom for some Canadian cities): http://www.efficientwindows.org/selection.cfm You need to figure out how to log into Building Green Suite. This is an amazing resource that we subscribe to and has valuable information. We have a subscription to this through our library. Just go the the Research Databases page http://journal-indexes.uwaterloo.ca/ and click on the letter B or look under "Architecture" and choose Building Green Suite. Remember to login to the library site https://login.proxy.lib.uwaterloo.ca/login first if working outside of the School building to access the full database. I want you to find this article on Building Green Suite and read it please. It covers many aspects of window selection that are not covered at all in Allen. It is called "Choosing Windows: Looking Through the Options". I suspect you need to actually log in to make this link work. http://www.buildinggreen.com.proxy.lib.uwaterloo.ca/auth/article.cfm/2011/1/27/Choosing-Windows-Looking-Through-the-Options/ |
12Mar 25 |
13 Apr 1 |
Terri Away at Conference, No class Please watch this recording I made for the Ascent Competition that is the subject of your final project. This is also available on the competition website. This was created for all students across Canada. |
Apr 25 |
Reference Texts and other Materials: |
CMHC. Canadian Wood Frame House Construction. Available as a downloadable PDF. here Allen, Edward. Fundamentals
of Building Construction: Materials and Methods. Current edition. Recommended: Understanding Steel Design: An Architectural Design Manual. by Terri Meyer Boake. Birkhauser 2012. Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel Design. by Terri Meyer Boake. Birkhauser 2015. Canadian Institute of Steel Construction Guide for Specifying AESS. by Terri Meyer Boake. |
Evaluation: |
The final term grade will consist of an average of submitted work as follows, however, FAILURE TO ACHIEVE A PASSING GRADE IN THE TERM PROJECT WILL CONSTITUTE FAILURE OF THE COURSE. Late Penalties: Only in the case of a justified medical or personal reason will these penalties be waived, and only if these have been officially submitted to the Undergraduate Student Services Co-Ordinator and accepted by the Undergraduate Office. Self declaration of illness form: https://uwaterloo.ca/quest/help/students/how-do-i/self-declare-absence-undergraduate-students Students seeking accommodations due to COVID-19, are to follow Covid-19-related accommodations as outlined by the university here: https://uwaterloo.ca/coronavirus/). DETAIL SKETCHES: 7 @ 4% = 28% SKETCHBOOK/WEEKLY NOTES SUBMISSION: (11 notes, one per lecture) 25% You are required to keep a sketchbook/notebook for this class. The notes are submitted weekly to LEARN in PDF format. HEAT LOSS / R-value: 5% FINAL
a set of drawings (less than minimum requirements) |
Avoidance of Academic Offenses |
Mental Health Support All of us need a support system. We encourage you to seek out mental health supports when they are needed. Please reach out to Campus Wellness (https://uwaterloo.ca/campus-wellness/) and Counselling Services (https://uwaterloo.ca/campus-wellness/counselling-services). We understand that these circumstances can be troubling, and you may need to speak with someone for emotional support. Good2Talk (https://good2talk.ca/) is a post-secondary student helpline based in Ontario, Canada that is available to all students. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commitment At the School of Architecture, we are committed to foster and support equity, diversity and inclusion. We recognize however, that discrimination does occur, sometimes through an isolated act, but also through practices and policies that must be changed. If you experience discrimination, micro-aggression, or other forms of racism, sexism, discrimination against LGBTQ2S+, or disability, there are different pathways to report them: A) If you feel comfortable bringing this up directly with the faculty, staff or student who has said or done something offensive, we invite you, or a friend, to speak directly with this person. People make mistakes and dealing them directly in the present may be the most effective means of addressing the issue. B) you can reach out to either the undergraduate XXX or Terri Boake), or director (Maya Przybylski). If you contact any of these people in confidence, they are bound to preserve your anonymity and follow up on your report. C) You may also choose to report centrally to the Equity Office. The Equity Office can be reached by emailing equity@uwaterloo.ca. More information on the functions and services of the equity office can be found here: https://uwaterloo.ca/human-rights-equity-inclusion/about/equity-office. Academic Integrity:To create and promote a culture of academic integrity, the behaviour of all members of the University of Waterloo is based on honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. AI Policy: Permitted in this Course with Attribution: In this course, students are not permitted to use Generative AI Tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney to support their work. In order to maintain academic integrity, students must disclose any AI-generated material they use and properly attribute it. This disclosure should include AI generation whether in whole or part, including images, designs, in-text citations, quotations, and references. The full extent of images and text passages should be cited. The following statement in assignments may be used to indicate general use of a Generative AI Tool: “The author(s) acknowledges the use of [Generative AI Tool Name], a model developed by [Generative AI Tool Provider], in the preparation of this assignment. The [Generative AI Tool Name] was used in the following way(s) in this assignment: [indicate, e.g. grammatical correction, gathering sources, generating specific images, etc.].” Caution: When using AI tools, it is important to be aware that the user data supplied might be utilized for training AI models or other purposes. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the information you provide will remain confidential. Instructors and students should exercise caution and avoid sharing any sensitive or private information when using these tools. Examples of such information include personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI), financial data, intellectual property (IP), and any other data that might be legally protected. Note for students with disabilities: YOU MUST VERIFY YOUR DISABLITY AND ACCOMMODATIONS WITH THE OPD AT THE START OF THE TERM. FOR EACH AND EVERY NEED FOR ACCOMMODATION, THEY MUST CONTACT ME TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS OR ELSE LATE PENALITIES WILL BE APPLIED. The Office for Persons with Disabilities (OPD), located in Needles Hall, Room 1132, collaborates with all academic departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If you require academic accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability, please register with the OPD at the beginning of each academic term. Once registered with OPD, please meet with the professor, in confidence, during my office hours to discuss your needs. |
last updated January 16, 2025 10:47 AM